2022 Road Game Opponent

 2022 Road Game Opponent Survey

Please rate the cities in the order of which you are most interested in traveling to least interested from 1-8.

[1=Top Choice, 2=Second Choice...8=Least Interested]

"With a possible side trip to Niagara Falls"

Would you be interested in a Game Day Bus Package to Minnesota?

Bus trip from Green Bay and other points in Wisconsin

Would you be interested in a Game Day Bus Package to Chicago?

Bus trip from Green Bay and other points in Wisconsin

Would you like to be added to a Waitlist so you’ll receive notice as soon as packages go on sale?

If yes, which city/cities?

Would you be interested in an optional sightseeing tour of the city?

Regarding the Packers trip to London to play the New York Giants in October, we are getting close to capacity. If you have not booked already, are you still considering booking?

This will aid us in determining whether additional space should be considered.

Additional Comments:
