The NFL has announced its 2020 season schedule including for the Green Bay Packers. Will the games definitely take place?
The NFL has expressed confidence that all games will occur with fans in the stands under the safest precautions available for the safety of all. However, it certainly remains possible that unfolding circumstances could affect this plan.
Is Event USA selling game tickets now?
Yes, we are selling game tickets. A full range of ticket choices is now available for purchase on our website.
Is Event USA selling Game Packages/Tour Packages now?
We are selling day of game home packages (ticket and tailgate party packages) now. We are currently working on our full home and road game packages with lodging. Please check back for updates! If you don’t wish to miss out on your opportunity to book, you can add your name to our waitlist, telling us which game or games, whether home or road, you are interested in, and you will be amongst the first contacted when packages become available. To do so Click here.
Is Event USA selling its “Packers Player Autograph Reception” now?
We are currently not offering these receptions due to the uncertainty of what the government or NFL rules will be with social distancing concerning the players in the coming future. Typically this reception is included in our Gold Package; however at this time it will not be included, but can be added on at a later date if available. Please check back on availability for this in mid-summer.
Will the games go forward with only partial attendance allowed in the stands?
This is a concept that has been discussed by the NFL as well as other sports leagues. It remains to be seen whether this might be implemented. For now the NFL plans to go ahead with all games with full attendance. We doubt that such a “partial attendance” plan would be used at Lambeau Field.
Is it possible that games will proceed with no fans allowed to attend?
This is also a concept that has been discussed and may be a contingency plan for the NFL if evolving circumstances make it impractical for fans to safely attend games.
Is it possible that the scheduled games will be postponed and played on other dates?
This is a possibility and has been set up as a contingency plan by the NFL.
If I book a game package or purchase game tickets with Event USA, what will happen if the game I ordered is CANCELLED?
If that game is completely canceled, and not rescheduled, customers will be offered the option of a refund or a credit on account, at their discretion.
If I book a game package or purchase game tickets with Event USA and the NFL POSTPONES the game I ordered, setting it for a different date, what will happen with my order?
Your order will continue to be honored for the date and time that the game has been postponed to. With regard to policies as to any refunds if games are simply postponed, rather than canceled, we will follow the lead of the Green Bay Packers, or the other team your order involves, as to whether they are making refunds for that same game to their season ticket holders. Absent that, cancellations will not be allowed.
What other terms and conditions apply to orders that I place?
Our usual T&C apply to all orders. You can view the full set of terms and conditions that apply to various types of orders you place by clicking HERE:
Is Event USA buying game tickets now?
Thank you for your interest in selling your Green Bay Packers and/or other tickets to us. At this time we are not buying tickets until more is known about the likelihood that games and other spectator events will actually proceed despite the worldwide pandemic we are experiencing. Please check back with us periodically to see whether we have commenced buying tickets, but it’s unlikely we will do so anytime sooner than June 1, 2020. We are closely monitoring all evolving events and government regulations so as to make an appropriate decision on that. Thank you for your business and your patience.
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